

We have a 78 place Nursery.  We have up to 32 full time (30 hour) places for those children who are eligible, and the remaining places are for mornings or afternoons (15 hours).  Children can start Nursery in the term after they turn three, although most of our Nursery places are filled in the Autumn term (September-December).

The morning sessions run from 8:30am until 11:30am and the afternoon sessions take place between 12:00 noon and 3:00pm.
Children who have a full time 30 hour place can go home for lunch at 11.30am and return to nursery at 12.00pm.  Alternatively they may bring a packed lunch and stay in Nursery for the full day for a charge of £2.50 a day which is payable on Parent Pay.
Click here to access information about whether you may be eligible for a 30 hour place in our Nursery or help towards childcare costs.

Please contact the School Office on 01274 414437 to put your child’s name down for our Nursery.